Tag Archives: tagged


 Well I was awarded the “Uber Amazing Blog” award over at Pearls and Diamonds. I am so thankful to these girls (or should I say women?) for their example of both Christ centered romance and singleness. They are both uber amazing people with uber amazing hearts for Christ. :)

 So now for the rules…. You give this award to five bloggers who:

1. Inspire you
2. Make you smile and laugh
3. Give amazing information
4. Are a great read
5. Have an amazing design
6. And any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules to this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing! ***if you don’t have 5 that’s okay.***
3. Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
So here are my choices for those blogs that I think are totally amazing.
  1. Abigail at Random Ramblings of a Teenage Artist
  2. Anna at Hope Road
  3. Kaysie at Alabaster Box (though I know she had already been awarded this, I’ll just give it to her again. :D)
  4. Trey at Youth of Eternity (what can I say? He is my second big brother.)

 So those are my picks for some Uber amazing blogs. There are a ton more out there but these are the 4 that really stood out to me.


Filed under blog

Six Things God Has Taught Me

Well I was tagged by my friend Kaysie again but this one is a little different. I thought that this was really cool and different than all the other tags I have seen. So I am supposed to write six things that God has taught me this year, and that is going to be very tough to narrow it down. It seems there is always a time in almost every season that I reflect on everything that has happened in the last year and am amazed by how much I have changed. Well enough of me rambling, here it goes.

  1. If you have a servant’s heart and have a desire to serve God, He WILL use you. It doesn’t matter how small and insignificant you are.
  2. To be patient when I don’t feel like it and to just wait on God.
  3. When to shut my mouth and when to open it. (Though I still struggle with this one.)
  4. That if you draw close to God He will truly draw close to you.
  5. That the cross needs to be the center of every single thing, including my life.
  6. There is no part of my life or my heart that Jesus does not own and does not have the right to be Lord over.

 Well that is just the tip of the iceberg on what God has taught me over the last year. He has been so good to me and has taught me buckets of things. Now it is my turn to tag some of you guys so I can hear from you.

Josh (Maybe you will actually post for once! I really want to hear from you Josh.)


Pearls and Diamonds (Lauren and/or Abigail)


Erik B.

My dad (Kevin)


Filed under Christianity, Faith

Just Randomness

 Well Kaysie tagged me to tell 6 random things about myself… the hard part for me will be thinking of only 6. Here are the rules.

  • Link to the person who tagged you.
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Write six random things about yourself.
  • Tag sixish people at the end of your post.
  • Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
  • Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Now brace yourself for my random facts. :)

  1. I have been named the princess of the Realm of Randomness by my awesome friend Hope, who created the realm.
  2. I have a pink faux leather trench coat that I actually wear from time to time.
  3. I called myself Ea (E-u) when I was a toddler and now one of the kids I babysit for calls me that. One of the other families I babysit for calls me “Weewa” or “Weefwa”.
  4. I am a stain magnet! I am ALWAYS spilling on myself. :(
  5. I love downhill skiing (though cross country skiing is great too). I can NOT snowboard though (I tried it and couldn’t move the next day).
  6. I am happy right now because my dad gave me one of his awesome highlighters that also have mini post it notes on them. SEE?

Ok, now I tag…

  1. Trey
  2. Mike
  3. Andrew
  4. Sam (Maybe he will actually post for once. )
  5. Kelsea
  6. Shelly


Filed under Uncategorized