Tag Archives: Imperishable Beauty

Cross-eyed’s E-book

I am very excited to announce that Cross-eyed Blog and Webzine has an e-book out in honor on their first anniversary and it includes an article written by yours truly. My article is entitled “What is You Motivation” formerly titled on my blog Imperishable Beauty as “Modesty and Pride”. So go over and check out the new e-book packed with some good articles on modesty and practical tips.


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Pearls of Wisdom


  Hello everyone! Over at my other blog Imperishable Beauty, we are starting out a new feature with my mom and Abigail’s mom (Mrs. Kraft) entitled Pearls of Wisdom. They will be answering two questions a month each and it will be a great way for them to impart their knowledge and wisdom with our readers. These are two godly and wonderful women, both of whom I admire and look up to so I am very excited for this endeavor. So if any of you, especially you girls, have any questions that you would like an answer to from two wise women, go on over to the blog and ask away! 

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Imperishable Beauty


  I am so excited to announce to you the surprise I mentioned earlier! The blog I am coauthoring with my dear friend Abigail is released and ready for action! Imperishable Beauty (www.imperishablebeautyblog.blogspot.com) is getting the finishing touches put on and the first post (about Valentines Day) has been posted, just waiting for you to read it. Our desire and mission with this blog is to encourage other Christian young women like ourselves to seek a higher level of femininity and beauty, one that God deems lovely. The verse that the blog is named after is of course, 1 Peter 3:4. “but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”  So head on over and check it out and be sure to leave a comment! God bless!

 (On a side note, I need to give credit to whom credit is due, Abigail did all the blog designing including the button that you can put on your own blog (head over to check it out) and she did a fantastic job! I’m blown away time and time again by her amazing talents as a general artist. (Check out some of her drawing here.))


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